I am confident in this, the one who began a good work in you will bring it to completion until by the day of jesus christ - Philippians 1:6

New Book Available end of February 2025 - Subscribe below for release alert


Since the age of eighteen Greg had several spiritual encounters with God that impacted his life. As a young lay minister, he was deeply inspired by visionaries when he traveled and ministered in the US and abroad witnessing the supernatural signs and wonders written in the Bible. Greg studied theology completing coursework at Christ For The Nations and Christian International and became credentialed as an ordained minister with the International Fellowship of Chaplains and Pentecostal Church of God before entering a career in law enforcement in 1996.
Greg believes that his work as a peace officer was as a ministry. He investigated thousands of major criminal cases including homicides, white-collar crime, frauds, robberies, and assaults. At the end of his tour of duty, he had an eighty-five percent crime solve-rate in major crimes. Greg attributes his success to God and a dedicated and talented police force. He retired as a detective sergeant after serving twenty-five years total in law enforcement.
During his tour of duty, Greg studied about spiritual strongholds that affect the world. During that time he kept notes and journals which formed the basis for his new book.

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